segunda-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2010

Lágrimas após alegria...

Sou como o tempo. Como Chronos. Dou luz e sorrisos a quem conheço. Sou um pilar onde se apoiam, um escutador nato, portador de palavras e gestos calmantes. Um Pacificador até.

E sou o contrário de tudo isso também.

Volta e meia trago lágrimas agarradas no meu andar, deixo mágoa aqui e ali, profiro palavras afiadas como facas.

Quem diria que sou tão perigoso? Tigre enjaulado.... Pior... Porque o tigre apenas quer a sua liberdade.

Que quero eu? Ainda estou para descobrir se companhia, se solidão. Talvez nenhuma das duas. Mas será que eu quero realmente alguma coisa?


quinta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2010

The Nobodies - Marilyn Manson

Why is it that sometimes I feel like the world ignores me?

Why is it that there are days when the sun shines and I feel cold inside?

Why is it that I feel lonely when I'm surrounded with other people?

Why is it that I take refuge in my animals when nothing else cheers me up?

Why is it that I feel this way, when that special place is empty?

Why is it that I love so many things and cannot have even one of them?

Why is it that loving and understanding Beauty as I do brings me such a heartache?

Why is it that I feel as a spectator watching The World?

So many questions that litter my soul, trouble my heart and veil my mind...

quarta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2010

Candlemass - Solitude (Live)

I have this blank space in my wall and don't know with what to fill it...

I search and search but nothing ever fits....

Stolen Babies - Lifeless

If only I had heard this before... I would've been free much sooner...

terça-feira, 30 de novembro de 2010

One little girl, one little boy

One little girl who's not a little piggy
One little girl who is right down silly
One little girl who dresses in black
She walks and walks but often looks back.

One little boy who wonders all day
One little boy who is often away
One little boy who spends his time wishing
That he could find what he feels it's missing.

They both meet and the encounter is weird
Odd eyes, crossed stares, no movement no stir
Something comes to mind, a gesture so flimsy
Two nervous smiles that come so easily.

Walk around, walk around
Where no people abound
Hand-in-hand they walk
He only hears, she only talks.

Finally the day comes to an end
The sun comes down, returns to its den
One final stare between the four eyes
Sends them away, far from paradise.

One little girl who misses him truly
One little girl who wishes him fully
One little girl who thinks nothing more
Than to hug him and kiss him for Evermore.

One little boy who feels so bitter
One little boy who can't stand or be sitted
One little boy who craves to be loved
To listen the voice of the girl he has heard.

Para Violeta **

quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2010

Why Human are hated by animals

If you could ask an animal, any kind of animal, the race they hate the most, surely they would tell you the same answer: humans. It may be for a variety of facts. After all, we destroy their homes, we kill them for their bodies or parts of them and do millions of things to the rightful owners of the Earth. But I would believe that one of the main reasons of that hate would be something along the lines of "we allow the weak and the helpless to reproduce".

Against all Nature has gifted us, against our inner capabilities have we ever fought. Primal in the beginning, we soon gained and developed three things that distinguish us from the rest of the animal world (or so we think): Intellectual thinking, Ethics and Moral. These three things, which most people believe a synonym of Humanity, are our top achievements and shall be our downfall as well. Keep reading.
Intellectual thinking brought us to the current Age, ever since the invention of the Wheel. Ethics and Moral came as we built our civilizations, step by step. However, each step droves us farther from the main gifts the Nature had paired us with, such as Instinct and Survivability. Today, few people even have a sense of Instinct and survivability is near to one. Put 80% of world population outside civilization and they die, not knowing how to survive. Pitiful, a wolf would say. How could we let ourselves reach this point? (Out of stupidity, another major human trait, by my standards).
In Animal Kingdom, you don't see injured or handicapped animals running around with the pack. If a wolf is born with a defective heart (like, persistence of arterial duct or Fallot tetralogy, or something else) he eventually is left behind to fend for himself, since he tires faster and can't hunt as efficiently as the others. A gazelle with a handicapped leg, which prevents her from walking straight is quickly caught by a predator and serving as a dinner plate faster than the others. What do we do in Human Kingdom? We allow people with congenital diseases to reproduce. We take care of them, patch the problem the best we can, so that person can live a long life and pass that lovely trait of hers to her descendants.

Now, every being as a right to Life. Okay, I get that and even agree with it. However, things get a little uglier when we think about the definition of "Life". Because if you tell me that a child with Trisomy 21 can get a normal life, then I'll tell you "No!". In my opinion, a Life isn't about having a people taking care of you all the time until you die because you are unable to take care of yourself, isn't about having to visit the hospital monthly or even more regularly to check on my health, isn't about having psychological help every moment of my life because my mental capabilities are reduced. I like my liberty thanks. Oh, and not to say the Burden those people are to who takes care of them. Yes, because no matter how humanitarian you are, those people are a burden. You humanitarians are just willing to support that burden.

If we choose the traits (and thus the genes) we want when breeding our dogs and cats and milking cows, why can't we do the same with our own race? Is it that inhuman? To crave for a better pool of genes, without congenital disease genes mixed in the middle? Yes, I am talking of aborting or sacrificing congenital disease-carrying babies. And birth control to people who have minor/serious genetic diseases. Is it inhuman to crave for a perfection of our DNA? Because that's what Nature has been doing with animals and, believe me, it has been working for the last million years. Just watch National Geographic for once and you'll know what I mean. Oh right, we have a thing called Ethics! And another one called Moral. The things we created to distinguish ourselves from wild animals and to keep us stagnant throughout the centuries. Yup, we sure are digging our own grave...

The only stagnant race around is us, because we do everything in our capacities to freakingly remain the same!!! We don't search for improvement!!! If that isn't silly and stupid, then pardon me, I was born in the wrong side of the world.

sexta-feira, 30 de julho de 2010



sexta-feira, 2 de julho de 2010

O mundo sou eu

I am human flesh, stricken to life by a soul, born to the world. And I am unstoppable.

Nothing can measure my power, I am the greatest of them all! My strength is my will, the chance to fulfil my dreams! The body is just a means to, my gift is in my mind. I plunder knowledge wherever I go, you make me suffer but it only makes me harder. I cry, I shout and I fall... But none can match me, not the bull nor any of them all!

I can make it, I know I can. I'm great despite my downsides. My virtues put me in front of any single competitor and my love... my love for life, for knowledge, allows me to need no creditor. I have no obstacles, only puzzles build to enlarge my supremacy. With a mere thought I build bridges and burn whoever faces me.

Out of my way, I am crazed! The Fire of Youth will earn me my righteous place!

sexta-feira, 25 de junho de 2010


Coloco os headphones aos ouvidos. Dói-me o corpo da dureza do dia, a alma da tortura que é viver e o sono teima em não vir. Assim que a música começa a dar, desligo. Estou no meu quarto, no meu mundo. Apenas o ecrã iluminado onde escrevo, o ruído de fundo de um pequeno roedor a tentar devorar as grades que o aprisionam e dois espectadores, de olhos vermelhos e rabos pelados. Sim, são eles os meus espectadores.

Procuro refúgiu neles quando chego a casa. Não me julgam. Pelo menos enquanto não me esquecer de os alimentar. Procuram-me por mimos e tornam-me um deles. Sou dono e irmão. Quem diria que tomaria duas tais criaturas quase como que meus filhos... É bom ter alguém que não me julgue... Mesmo sendo de quatro patas.

Sou um rapaz à antiga; trabalhador e curioso. As minhas duas virtudes que me impelem em frente, em direcção ao porto dos meus objectivos. Espero com elas conseguir atracar nesse porto. Chegar ao destino, que é a vida. Uma vida. Mas o caminho é tortuoso, como o era antigamente para as Índias. Sinto-me navegador aventureiro, em que cada dia mostra um obstáculo novo, de uma estirpe diferente do anterior. São inúmeros, imensos e não param. Uma e outra vez me deparo com eles e que remédio tenho senão superá-los, com paciência de um estóico. Tudo tem uma utilidade. Como gosto de ouvir: "O que não te mata, torna-te mais forte". Sou, portanto, qualquer coisa como um super-homem. Mas há por aí heróis mais veros que eu. Mas esses não me interessam a mim. Não. Interessa-me mais para onde vou. Não gosto cá de novelas nem de mexericos. Os outros que se entendam com as rotas deles. Eu cá sei da minha.

*pausa para festas ao Thanatos*

Sempre me pensei um estóico. Achei que me identificava com a doutrina. Mas ser estóico é procurar a razão, perceber o mundo através dela. Deliberar com cinismo, procurando a razão das coisas. Serão os sentidos racionais então? NUNCA! . . . Pois... nunca. O que sinto nada tem de racional. Não é compreensível e, pior, é indistrinsável de mim. É uno comigo. Que mescla de coisas que não sei bem o que são que vai aqui para dentro... Apenas dois pilares estão forjados a ferro e fogo. Pilares de nome Objectivos. Pilares de Vida. As fundações que seguram a minha casa. Semi-construída, inacabada. Avançando com os dias, se compõe a pouco e pouco, telha a telha. Devagar se forma. Mas gostarei eu do resultado final? E os outros? Que se danem os outros! Sou eu que vivo nela! Apenas a mim cuida saber se agrada ou não! Mas...

Pois não sei.E ficarei sem saber. Ninguém me diz nada. Vou à descoberta. Armado de razão e curiosidade, desbravo as florestas do conhecimento, em busca dos tesouros da minha alma. Hei-de conseguir encontrá-los.

Apenas tenho de encontrar as pistas certas...

terça-feira, 8 de junho de 2010

Astral Element - Wind

I'm like the wind. A soft breeze that blows on summer days, bringing a cool embrace, a soft caress to whoever I find in my way. I come and go, no obstacles block my way, as Fate wills me too. One day I am here, by your side, the other I've moved on and have gone over the river.
I'm like the wind, a strong gust that blows everything away. Bends trees and drags stones, tangles hairs and releases the leaves into his turmoil.

I'm like the wind... nobody owes me, nobody gets me... I come and go... And I caress a smooth skin with delight if only it can give me a soft whisper so I don't fly alone...